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piątek, 4 czerwca 2021

The Jewish Cemetery at Traugutta Street in Mielec



Prior to the establishment of the Jewish Cemetery on Traugutt Street, there were already two  similar funerary grounds in Mielec: one by the Jadernych Street (formerly Kolejowa St) and one near the today’s Żeromski St, no trace of which has been preserved.


Allotments in today’s Złotniki village were picked as the grounds for the new Jewish cemetery. The burial site itself was built in the year 1938. Unfortunately, no documents survived that would confirm any burials at this location before the war. This seems odd, however. According to Jewish tradition, the headstones (matzevot) are erected a year after death of the buried. Perhaps there was no time as the war began?


There is no doubt that the Jewish people murdered and shot between 1939 and 1942 would be laid to rest there.


An inhabitant of the Borek estate, Tomasz Żola, served the role of the undertaker at that time. Normally he would receive an order to dig a grave where later on the Jewish convicts were brought to and shot on the spot. As an eyewitness of these events, Tomasz Indyk, stated that the gendarmerie from Mielec would often be the perpetrators of the executions.


Shootings of non-Jewish Polish people also occurred there. These were usually carried out by the gestapo. Some of the bodies have been exhumed after the war ended, but some are yet to be identified. After the war the gravesite was partly overtaken by a transport base and in the 1990s a fence was built around it.


In the central part of the site there is a small hill, on which a small monument is situated. The inscription on it says the following, both in Polish and Hebrew:


“In memory of 300 Jewish people, the victims of the barbarism of the Hitler’s regime in the years 1939-1942. The cemetery has been established by the Jewish community in Mielec, destroyed in the years 1938-1945 by the Nazis.”


At the feet of the monument there are four concrete gravestones. Inscriptions as follows:



“Here lie Cerla Kleinman, her son Dawid and her sister Sara Brenner, died martyr’s death in the year 1944.”


Cerla and her 12-year old son as well as her sister were hiding in Chrząstów village at Korczak’s. Alongside them Debora Ostro and her two daughters: Lea and Mindel. The hideout was located in a long, stone building in which horses and cows were kept. On the cows’ side a wooden trough was attached to the wall with metal latches. Korczak made space there for a hideout through cutting off roughly 75 centimetres from the end of the building. Later on, the trough for the cattle was disassembled and then reattached to the newly created wall. Hay and manure camouflaged the entrance.


Korczak placed two rows of plank beds on both sides of this narrow corridor. In between walls he placed a bench and a bucket used as a toilet.


At some point in time Debora Ostro died of natural causes. She was buried in the garden. It seemed thus far as if the rest of those hiding would be rescued, given that the Eastern Front was quickly moving closer and closer to the Mielec area. Yet, on 31st May 1944 at around 10pm Mr Korczak entered the hideout and told the hiding Jews to go outside, as the Polish partisans wanted to see them.


The family members were first thoroughly searched (the partisans were mainly looking for valuables) and then escorted to the forest, where they were eventually murdered; information based on Andrzej Krempa’s work “Zagłada Żydów Mieleckich (Holocaust of the Jews of Mielec), p. 93-208.


Based on the Paris hearing of Mark Verstandig, who miraculously survived the heist, it was established that a Mrs Brenner was indeed hiding there (she was also mentioned by a Mr Marcin Walas). Most likely they both meant Sara Brenner, sister of Cerla Kleinman.


With the birth dates in the Judenrat documentation taken into account, Cerla was 39 years of age when murdered. Dawid was 12 years of age and Sara Brenner was 36.


“Here lies Rachela Buchen murdered by the the Nazis in 1942.”


The allotment on which the cemetery was once built belonged to a Moses Buchen. Buchen survived the war and left Mielec afterwards. He was most likely related to the Rachela in question, especially given that her gravestone was already at the cemetery. It is safe to assume that in general if gravestones with names inscribed appeared on the site, then there must have been due to a family member’s initiative.


On the JRI Poland website she is most likely listed as Rachel Buchen. Furthermore, the following has been retrieved about her life in a Rzeszów archive:


 “Rachela Buchen (née Kampf) was 62 years of age when deceased. She died either on 11th or 15th of December 1941”


It is not 100 per cent certain, however, that it is in fact the Rachel Buchen. The note found in the archive might also not be entirely correct as far as the dates are concerned, as such documents were more often than not written down for the succession purposes in courts.


This information has also been reviewed by Tomasz Frydel, the co-author of a publication “Dalej jest noc” (The Night Lingers On). Upon discussing we have reached the conclusion that the date in the archives might indeed be incorrect, given that such executions as the one of Mrs Buchen rarely took place in 1941. Therefore, the date on the gravestone, 1942, is the most probable one.




„ Matylda Braun, daughter of Samuel and Blima died a tragic death on 1st of August 1942, lived 27 years”


About Matylda Braun (only in polish)



“Here lie Sara Horn, daughter Rachela and son Dawid, died a tragic death killed by the Nazi barbarians in the years 1942-43”


Andrzej Krempa in his book “Zagłada Żydów Mieleckich (Holocaust of the Jews of Mielec) states: the four Jews hiding near the Ostrówek village did not survive the Nazi occupation. Around November 1943 one of the villagers informed the local Blue Police station that Jews were hiding in the area. The lieutenant Pielach, arrived at the place with two other officers. A manhunt was organised with the help of the local population. As a result the siblings Sara, Rachela and Dawid Horn as well as their uncle Leszkiewicz were shot and a couple of the Polish locals stripped them of their clothing after the shooting (p. 102).


Moses Horn, the surviving member of the family, also remained in hiding in Ostrówek, at Jan Perla’s house. Afterwards he testified against the perpetrators at the  Court of Appeals in Rzeszow. In his testimony, he stressed that he still feared for his saviour’s life (source: AIPN Rz. Team SAR, sign. IPN Rz. 353/3, old sign. GK225/3).


According to the information I was able to retrieve from the national archives in Rzeszów, it can be said with certainty that the following perished during the aforementioned manhunt: Sara Beila Horn (née Leszkowicz), aged 48, her daughter Rachela aged 22, son Dawid aged 9 and Sara’s brother Aron Leszkowicz. The court accepted 21st October 1942 as the date of all the deaths.


The exhumation of the victims of Ostrówek manhunt was presided over by Moses Horn, Sara’s son, who survived the Holocaust. After the war he lived briefly in Mielec as well as Krakow and later on migrated to the Israel (through a DP camp).


The grounds on which the cemetery has been built, formally belong to the municipality of Mielec. Currently there are regulatory proceedings taking place.


The inscription at the monument is not precise, and most likely is related to all the shootings that took place on 9th March 1942, that is, on the day of the mass deportation of all Jewish people of Mielec.


The gravestones have been placed most likely after the war. The monument, as stated in the documents from 1985 was “new”. Thus it has been, most likely, made a few decades after the war.


The cemetery is built on an allotment number 181101-1.0001.648/3. The approximate size of the site is 6411 square metres.


An article by Agnieszka Grzelak in Yad Vashem’s collections shows that in 1990s the previous owners of the plots in the vicinity of the monument transferred them to the municipality of Mielec.


The keys to the cemetery gate are kept in the local Photography Museum “Jadernówka”, at Jadernych Street.


Based on the journal of Moshe Borger, a resident of Mielec who survived the Holocaust (currently kept in Yad Vashem), we can assume that a rabbi Pfafer visited Poland in the 60s. The purpose of his visit was to help Jewish children emigrate from Poland. He also took photographs of the cemeteries on Traugutt and Wspólna Street. We can find him on the oldest remaining photographs of the cemetery.


In this post I used the following sources: the text by Mr Krempa, the co-author (alongside Mr Janusz Halisz) of the book “Mielec 1939-1945- Military Secrets and War Stories”- the chapter “Jewish cemeteries during the war”, Agnieszka Grzelak’s article, Yad Vashem’s collection as well as my own findings in the state archives in Rzeszów


 By Izabela Sekulska

Pics:  my own, collection of Mosh Borger , YV, Karta Cmentarza.

Translation by Julia Zięba

Izabela Sekulska

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